LORE's 3rd M3 album for M3 Spring 2022. M3春Web: 黒-001

  • Digital & Physical Release* (Shipping might be limited to certain countries)

  • 12 Song Album

  • All Coined Word Lyrics

  • Price ¥1800(DL) / ¥2000 (CD)

  • Available April 24, 2022

Track List

01. Fertile Grounds
Composition, Arrangement, Mix, Master: Nos / Singing: Eili

02. Eojedalar: Redivivus Samsara
Lyrics, Composition, Mix, Master: Rujou (B. Rose & Crown) / Singing: Eili

03. Skovetdir
Lyrics: Eili / Composition, Arrangement, Mix, Master: Nos / Singing: Eili & Rujou (B. Rose & Crown)

04. Greasaterra: Amelioration of the Human Condition
Lyrics: Eili / Composition, Arrangement, Mix, Master: satella / Singing: Eili

05. Collective Unconscious
Lyrics: 久遠真雪 / Composition, Arrangement, Mix, Master: Nos / Singing: Eili & 夕季森灯

06. Relegated to Dust
Composition, Arrangement, Mix, Master: Nos / Singing: Eili

07. Iserion: The Sunless Shard
Lyrics: 悠貴 (RoyReine) / Composition, Arrangement: Rist / Singing: Eili / Mix, Master: Nos

08. Illusions of the Deathless
Lyrics: 悠貴 (RoyReine) / Composition, Arrangement, Mix, Master: Morrigan (WAVE)
Singing (Main part): Eili & 結城碧 & Lily(WAVE)
Singing (Chorus part): nononore(正弦鍵盤茶屋) ruha
荒居琴漓 おかゆ 空華オキ 黒うさぎ 五阿弥ルナ
紗倉妃芽 つきこ 鳥詢 サマタ 漆海次郎
はらもり よしな(よしな家) 幸野綺華 りくり

09. The Fates of Stars
Composition, Arrangement, Mix, Master: Nos / Singing: Eili

10. Aehonor: The Resting Place of Knights
Lyrics: Emi Evans / Composition, Arrangement, Mix, Master: Nos / Singing: Eili

11. Canticle: O Regi Tenaya Nobri
Lyrics: Eili / Composition, Arrangement, Mix, Master: Nos / Singing: Eili, & 大瀬良あい

12. Surcease
Composition, Arrangement, Mix, Master: Nos / Singing: Eili


Crossfade Demo


Preview Videos

Videos that have been released ahead of the album and can be listened to now.


About Link

URL: http://projectlore.info/
CD name: Kor Vriananem - Keeper of Aehonor -
Circle name: LORE